The Emperor's New Clothes

More than anything else, it's a country's educational system what should ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of whether they are born in Chelsea or in Blackpool. The human mind is a marvel of nature and it works the same for everyone. But the British education system does exactly the opposite. By means of a huge deception it perpetuates class differences and the lack of equal opportunities for everyone. Add deep rooted corruption into the mix and things get as bad as they actually are in the UK. But nobody does anything about it. No one dares to say that the emperor is naked.

According to some it may still take a few decades for the situation to touch bottom. In the meantime whole generations will find themselves let down by the education system, and their futures jeopardized for ever.

This blog will show you how British state education is flawed and corrupt. Beware: the evidence is brutal. Stop reading if you don't want to change your high opinion of the UK's educational system.

If you are new to this site I recommend reading first the 4 unnumbered and/or the numbered entries in their chronological order using the TABLE OF CONTENTS.

Sunday 1 November 2015


In case there was any doubt we just had a clear confirmation of the disastrous malpractice common in British education. Our son was sent home to the half-term break with these grades:

These grades are obviously terrible (for those not familiar with British grading, the "projected grades" are what is meant to reflect the pupil's current work) but no one sent us a message alerting us about the need to do something about it, and no homework was set for a two-week half-term holiday in order to catch up.

This would amount to gross negligence and would be bad enough, but things are even worse: we happen to know that people who asked at the school (with our permission) how the boy wass doing were told that he "was doing well", with nothing to worry about! This is beyond negligence, this is deception, including self-deception, as they truly believe what they are saying! He is "on target" after all!

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame that this happens.
    It is quite unfair to some young with many possibilities.
    In Spain the system is not brilliant, but it is much more just for the young.

